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Faller RV et al. Enamel protection: a comparison of marketed dentifrice performance against dental erosion. Am J Dent. 2011;24(4):205-10
Paepegaey AM et al. In vitro comparison of stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride, and sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrices in the prevention of enamel erosion. J Clin Dent. 2013;24(3):73-8
West N et al. A randomised clinical study to measure the anti-erosion benefits of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2015;Mar-Apr;19(2):182-7
Eversole SL et al. Erosion Prevention Potential of an Over-the-Counter Stabilized SnF2 Dentifrice Compared to 5000 ppm F Prescription-Strength Products. J Clin Dent. 2015;26:44-49
West N et al. A Clinical Study to Measure Anti-erosion Properties of a Stabilized Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice relative to a Sodium Fluoride/Triclosan Dentifrice. Int J Dent Hyg. 2015;(DOI: 10.1111/idh.12159)
West N et al. Erosion protection benefits of stabilized SnF2dentifrice versus an arginine–sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrice: results from in vitro and in situ clinical studies. Clin Oral Invest. 2016;doi:10.1007/s00784-016-1905-1Acid
Bellamy P et al. In situ clinical evaluation of a stabilised, stannous fluoride dentifrice. Int Dent J. 2014;64 (Suppl 1):43-50
Hooper SM et al. A randomised in situ trial, measuring the anti-erosive properties of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice compared with a sodium fluoride/potassium nitrate dentifrice. Int Dent J. 2014;64 (Suppl 1):35-42
Faller RV et al. Protective benefits of a stabilised stannous-containing fluoride dentifrice against erosive acid damage. Int Dent J. 2014;64 (Suppl 1):29-34