About the Foundation
Erosive Toothwear (ET) represents a range of conditions where the shape and height of teeth can be lost over time, giving individuals a series of challenges with function, appearance and sensitivity to temperature change. It is not related to tooth decay (dental caries). ET can represent a major problem for both individuals and communities, but the evidence behind this condition, and treatment options for it, are often poorly understood. There are currently many barriers which prevent the knowledge we have from basic and clinical research translating into improved health. The aim of this initiative is, for Erosive Toothwear, to promote understanding of:
- the condition
- the underlying science,
- the scale of the problem and
- how best to prevent and, where appropriate, manage it
This will be accomplished by the dissemination of the collated evidence using a range of educational tools to facilitate knowledge transfer for patient and public benefit across the four domains of: Education, Dental Practice, Public Health and Research.
Our Team

Dr Rupert Austin
Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Prosthodontics
Centre for Oral, Clinical and Translational Sciences
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
King's College London
Rupert's research focus is on the prevention of enamel erosive tooth wear, specifically using fluoride containing oral care products and enhanced diagnosis and treatment. He has published widely in the field of imaging and prevention of erosive tooth wear. He is a Consultant in Prosthodontics, treating Erosive Tooth Wear cases on referral at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation trust and in Private referral practice in South-East England.

Professor David Bartlett
Head of Prosthodontics and Graduate Training
Centre for Oral, Clinical and Translational Sciences
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
King's College London
David’s research is clinically focused and includes prevalence studies, laboratory investigations and clinical techniques to measure erosive tooth wear in the prosthodontics field. He has a wide range of experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. Over the past five years he has developed teaching in prosthodontics to make it more relevant to modern general dental practice. He was also instrumental in bringing teaching in implants to undergraduates, but at a level that is consistent with the expectations of dental students. Over the past 20 years, Bartlett has conducted three large prevalence studies and collaborated internationally to publish the only systematic reviews in the literature. In 2009 he published data from the study of 1,010 18-30 year olds together with an assessment of risk. More recently a Pan European study of more than 3’500 participants established the risk factors in erosion.

Professor Carolina Ganss
Head of Cariology, Professorship Cariology of Ageing
Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontology, and Paediatric Dentistry
Medical Centre for Dentistry
Phillips-University Marburg, Germany
After more than three decades at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen in the Department of Conservative and Preventive Dentistry, she now heads the Cariology Section in the Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontology, and Paediatric Dentistry at the Philipps University of Marburg and holds the Professorship of Cariology of Ageing.
Her research focuses on diagnostics, aetiology, prevention and therapy of non-caries-related dental hard tissue diseases as well as observational and intervention studies on oral hygiene behaviour.
As head of the Cariology Section, she has expanded her field of research to include the prevention of root caries.
She is Past-President of the German Society for Preventive Dentistry (DGPZM) and the European Association for Caries Research (ORCA). She is a member of many national and international dental associations and was, among other international activities, Chair of the Special Interest Group "Tooth Surface Loss/Erosion" of the European Association of Dental Public Health for many years. She has given over a hundred lectures nationally and internationally and has published over a hundred papers and book chapters. Together with Adrian Lussi, she was Guest Editor of the book "Erosive tooth Wear" in the Monographs in Oral Sciences series and is now Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious scientific journal Caries Research. She has organised various international workshops, including one on "Indices for the assessment of Erosive Tooth Wear" and one on "Methodologies in Erosion Research".

Ester Hoekstra, M.Sc
Zahnärztekammer Bremen and SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit, Dental Hygiene
Ester is a dental hygienist who is originally from the Netherlands, but moved to Germany 20 years ago. Since 1998, she has worked as a preventive dental assistant and later as a dental hygienist in several dental practices. Since 2018 Ester is involved in the education for preventive dental assistants and dental hygienists as a lecturer. She is a international speaker and writes articles for her peers. Her Master of Science Degree in psychological medicine was achieved at the London Metropolitan University in 2022. A second Master of Science Degree in Oral Medicine is planned to be obtained in 2024. Ester has been on numerous Advisement Boards and is new in research.

Doctor Olivia Kérourédan
Associate Professor
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, University of Bordeaux
Olivia Kérourédan, DDS, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the University School of Dentistry in Bordeaux and also the head of the Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Department. She holds a Doctorate in Dental Medicine (Univ. Rennes, 2011), a Master in Biology (Univ. Paris, 2015) and a PhD in Cell Biology and Pathophysiology (Univ. Bordeaux, 2019). In addition to her clinical and teaching activities, she is a member of BioTis laboratory (Bioengineering of Tissues, UMR 1026, INSERM/Univ. Bordeaux) and her research work is mainly focused on bioprinting for bone tissue engineering. In 2023, she achieved a one-year research mobility at Kyoto University, within the Institute for Life and Medical Sciences. In addition to her advanced expertise in the field of erosive tooth wear and hyperesthesia, her clinical activity is also focused on rare bone diseases and related dental anomalies. Finally, thanks to close collaboration with the Rheumatology Department, she is involved in the management of oral/dental care of patients suffering from osteoporosis, systemic scleroderma and Gougerot Sjögren's syndrome.

Professor Emeritus Adrian Lussi
Universities of Bern (Switzerland) and Innsbruck (Austria)
Master`s degree in chemical engineering at the Swiss Federal University of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, Studies of Dental Medicine in Zurich and Bern, 1986 Dr. med. dent.;
1998 -professor at the University of Bern, 2006 – 2017 Head of the Department of Preventive, Restorative and Paediatric Dentistry, University of Bern, Switzerland; 2011 – 2015 Managing Director of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern; 2018 -2023 Guest professor and lecturer in Cariology, Histology and Pathohistology of dental hard tissues at the Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg (Germany), 2023 - Guest professor and lecturer in Cariology at University Hospital for Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria
Over 500 publications. Most of them are listed in PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Lussi+a
Editor or Co-editor of 15 books in prevention and operative dentistry
Some awards: IADR-Distinguished Scientist Award for Research in Dental Caries,
Yngve Ericsson Prize for Research in Cariology, ORCA-Prize for Caries Research.
Swiss Science Forum: Prize for Innovation in prevention, Teacher of the year University of Bern, German Prize for prophylaxis, EFCD prize in Conservative dentistry

Ed Martin
Managing Director
Stockdale Martin
Ed has worked in the marketing of oral and consumer healthcare products for 30 years, both client and agency side. After working brand-side on a number of well-known oral care brands, in 2001 he co-founded expert marketing agency StockdaleMartin and now works supporting brands to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Professor Rebecca Moazzez
Chair of Department of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry
Henry Sutro Family Endowed Chair in Restorative Dentistry
Director of Center for Innovation and Translation
University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, U.S.A.
Rebecca Moazzez serves as the chair of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry and the founding director of the Center for Innovation and Translation at the Arthur A. Dugoni Dental School. Previously, she was professor of Prosthodontics and Oral Clinical Research at King’s College London school of Dentistry in the UK, where she began teaching in 1998, focusing on predoctoral and specialty prosthodontics. In 2013, she also served as the college’s founding director of the Oral Clinical Research Unit, which has attracted over $7M of funding since its conception. She is a specialist in prosthodontics with special interest in dental erosion, TMJ dysfunction and minimally invasive dentistry. She has supervised 10 PhD and many projects in topics related to Erosive Tooth Wear. She has to her credit over 63 publications in refereed journals and several book chapters, as well as grants totaling $7.8 million from commercial and non-commercial organizations to help fund her research. Her research focuses on Erosive Tooth Wear and Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease, the role of saliva in oral and general health, the role of the oral microbiome in oral diseases, focused primarily on clinical and translational research. Rebecca is a Principal Investigator in collaboration with colleagues from UOP and Stanford University who have recently been awarded an NIH/NIDCR award to the value of $3.8. She serves on several national and international organizations including the American and International Association of Dental Research and is the president of the AAFOCR SF branch.

Dr. Saoirse O’Toole
Clinical Lecturer
Centre for Oral, Clinical and Translational Sciences
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
King’s College London
Dr. Saoirse O’Toole is a Clinical Lecturer at King’s College London in the Centre for Clinical, Oral and Translational Research. Her clinical area of interest is in tooth wear and dental sleep medicine. Her research focuses on identifying groups at high risk of disease progression and developing diagnostic tools for use in primary care. She has lectured nationally and internationally on erosive tooth wear with over 40 peer reviewed papers and two book chapters on tooth wear. She has an international patented device for the intraoral detection of gastric acids and has developed a freeware to detect change in sequential 3D medical scans.

Professor Nigel Pitts
Director Dental Innovation and Impact
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
King’s College London
Nigel Pitts FRSE BDS PhD FDS RCS (Eng) FDS RCS (Edin) FFGDP (UK) FFPH, came to King’s College London in January 2013 to set up the Dental Innovation and Translation Centre. At King’s, he is Director of Dental Innovation and Impact as well as Professor of Dental Health. Externally he is leader of the GCCM Global Collaboratory for Caries Management initiative and Chair of the ACFF Alliance for Cavity Free Future. He is an Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health to Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust. Nigel graduated in Dentistry from the University of London, moved to the University of Hong Kong to help set up a new Dental School in the 1980s, and the returned to the UK to take up the Directorship of the Dental Health Services Research Unit at the University of Dundee (where he also served as Dean and Director of the Centre for Clinical Innovations). He has a long history of researching in and with Dental Primary Care.

Professor Dom Zero
Professor, Department of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Dental Public Health
Indiana University, U.S.A.
Domenick Zero, DDS, MS, holds the position of Professor (with tenure) in the Department of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Dental Public Health at Indiana University School of Dentistry and is closely affiliated with the Oral Health Research Institute. After receiving his dental degree from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., in 1975, Dr Zero completed a general dentistry residency at the Eastman Dental Center and then a three-year research fellowship leading to a master's degree from the University of Rochester in 1979. He has received numerous research grants from the NIH and private industry over his 40 year career. Dr Zero has lectured extensively as an invited speaker throughout the US and internationally and is well recognized for his expertise in the fields of Cariology and dental erosion, and in the conduct of clinical trials. He has published more than 165 scientific articles and book chapters. His current research interests include the evaluation of the clinical efficacy of topical fluorides in the prevention of dental caries and erosion, non-fluoride remineralization agents, new early caries diagnostic systems, caries-associated virulence properties of dental biofilms, and salivary diagnostics, and the use of biologics in the treatment of Sjögren’s Disease and Temporomandibular Disorders.